Last Update: Aug 16, 2019


Mostly Blue Theme. A light color theme, w-Blue links + & colors & gradients. Original theme was done by Crip for SMF, this remix is by Inter.


Upload a Theme

  • Download the theme using the below link and then using (Theme Management -> Manage and Install) use the browse button next to “ From a local archive: (e.g. .zip or .tar.gz)” and navigate to where you saved the theme file on your computer. One found and selected, choose install.

From a Directory

  • Alternatively, You can add a theme to your themes directory directly by unzipping or FTPing a theme package. Be sure the files are arrange dy in directories, just as the ElkArte default theme. Enter the new directory in the “From a directory on the host server:” and select install.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.